Accounting system, General Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions 0782306355 _ 2020
2021-05-18 13:07 خدمات عمان 21K مشاهده المرجعي: 19495اتصل بنا
موقعك: عمان
السعر: اتصل بنا
ShamiSoft specializes in providing sophisticated solutions that assist enterprises in simplifying and organizing the daily tasks for all sectors in the region, taking into consideration the needs of the clients, to provide solutions fulfilling client requirements with comprehensive reports that can be built Jordan – Amman , (53) Abdallah ghosheh St. Office (502) Tel :+ 962 6 55 380 99 Fax :+ 962 6 55 120 99 Mobile2: 0782306355